Vocational College (SV) UGM on Tuesday, October 27th, 2020 held Rapat Senat Terbuka (Open Senate Meetings) to commemorate the 11th anniversary of Vocational College UGM themed “Sekolah Vokasi Bangkit, Kompetitif, dan Produktif di Era Pandemi” (Vocational College rising, competitive, and productive in the pandemic era). In this meeting which took place from 09.00-11.00 invite Director General of Vocational Education, Wikan Sakarinto, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., the regent and the head of the regional development planning authority of Kulon Progo, the rector of UGM and the staff, the senate of Vocational College and the staff, the leaders of Vocational College, and the head of the departments in Vocational College UGM.
The event was the main event of 11th Anniversary of Vocational College celebration, which had previously been marked by various contests, seminars, and other events held online. The Department of Languages, Arts, and Culture Management, Vocational College UGM won the 1st place in Readiness for Office Facilities and Infrastucture Video Contest, and the best department in the achievements of HR development for a period of one year. The event that was carried out online and offline also invited the former leaders of Vocational College, leaders of Vocational College UGM partners, chairman and board of KAVOGAMA, POTMASEVO, and Dharmawanita unity of Vocational College, and also lecturers and educational personnel.