Pelatihan Pembelajar Sukses Mahasiswa Baru (PPSMB) Universitas Gadjah Mada 2020 is an activity that aimed to introduce the campus environment to the new students. This year, the PPSMB UGM 2020 was opened on Monday, September 7th with the procession of planting the gunungan at the Opening Ceremony PPSMB UGM 2020. As in previous years, the PPSMB was divided into 3 levels, which were University level, Faculty level, and Cluster level.
At the Vocational College of UGM, especially in the Department of Languages, Arts, and Culture Management there was PPSMB Lentera Budaya as PPSMB Cluster level, with Nur Endah Nugraheni, S.S., M.A. as the coordinator. This year, PPSMB Lentera Budaya raised the theme named “Bersatu dalam Ragam Adat Nusantara”. PPSMB Lentera Budaya was held on Friday, September 11th 2020, and attended by 210 new students from 3 study programs which were Archives and Records Management, Tourism Travel Business, and English Study Program. The purpose of this activity was to introduce the new students of DBSMB Vocational College UGM to the campus environment through the material which was presented online, and also to foster and develop positive values, as well as foster and develop cultural awareness.
This year, PPSMB Lentera Budaya was a bit different from last year. Since the activity was carried during covid-19 pandemic, every single activity uses online media. Yunia Rizky Khoirunnisa’, who were the coordinator of PPSMB Lentera Budaya Event Division said, all of the new students carried out the PPSMB from their own home, by accessing assignments through online platform such as eLOK, Webex, and SV UGM Youtube account. “There were 2 methods of delivering the material, namely synchronous and asynchronous. The synchronous method is a method where the new students can directly interact with the co-facilitator and the lecturer, while in the asynchronous method the students learn the material independently, or by watching Youtube,” she added.