The signing of the cooperation agreement between Vocational College UGM-Mitra at the Department of Languages, Arts, and Culture Management (DBSMB) of Vocational College UGM with Dlingo Digital Valley (PT Dlingo Digital Media) on Tuesday, September 1st, 2020. The signing process was carried out on a desk-to-desk basis, with DBSMB representatives visiting the Dlingo Digital Valley office at Pencitrejo, RT01, Terong, Dlingo, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Those DBSMB representatives are Nabilla Kusuma Vardhani, S.I.P., M.A., Erlin Estiana Yuanti, S.S., M.A., and Ghifari Yuristiadhi Masyhari Makhasi, S.S., M.A., by bringing the letter of agreement signed by Dr.Ing. Ir. Agus Maryono as the Dean of Vocational College UGM.
Erlin Estiana Yuanti, S.S., M.A, conveyed that the purpose of the corporation was to connect the industrial field and vocational education. Vocational college requires cooperation in the industrial field so that students can be closer to the work environment they will face when they graduate. Through this collaboration, both parties can work together, the student can directly practice what they got at college, and on the other hand, the industrial field, in this case was Dlingo Digital Valley, can find the solution to the problems. Besides, this also can be an opportunity for the study program to gather information and advice for curriculum improvement, so that the competencies taught are following industry needs.
As the lecturer who taught communication and PR, Nabilla Kusuma Vardhani, S.I.P., M.A. hoped that in the future, both parties can have some projects together. The laboratory in DBSMB can be used as learning media for active students, then all the work they did can be used in institutions or companies which have collaborated with DBSMB, including Dlingo Digital Valley. Thus, both parties will benefit greatly.
Teks: Yuni (Humas DBSMB)
Foto: Humas DBSMB