Yogyakarta — Bachelor of Applied English Study Program, Department of Languages, Arts, and Culture Management, Vocational College, Universitas Gadjah Mada issued a new breakthrough, namely GAMAWEBCO (Gadjah Mada Web of Written English for Business Correspondence). GAMAWEBCO is a web-based learning medium to help academicians to learn English business correspondence. In addition, GAMAWEBCO can also be used by professionals – in which correspondence is part of their job – to improve their skills in business correspondence to support their careers.
The main researcher, Yohana Ika Harnita Sari, S.Pd., M.Hum. designed this website with Erlin Estiana Yuanti, S.S., M.A. as a member of the researchers and assisted by four students from Bachelor of Applied English Study Program, Batch 2020 (Transfer and Regular Program): Lintang Subiyantoro, A.Md., Andrea Timuriana Suci Putri Domargo, A.Md., Hanatya Mandarani Desideria, and Raden Ayu Elita Putri.
GAMAWEBCO has four main menus that make it easier for users to use GAMAWEBCO, namely Home, Materials, Exercises, and Quizzes. In Home, users can find general information about GAMAWEBCO and GAMAWEBCO Team. Then, in Materials, there are sub-menus on Business Correspondence, Kinds of Letter, Parts of Letter, Examples of Letter, and Important Expressions. The five sub-menus are the main parts of GAMAWEBCO which discuss 16 types of letter, such as cover letter, letter requesting information and service, complaint and adjustment letter, memos, product promotional and product recall letter. In addition, in Exercises, there are some practices that can be accessed by users to practice their business correspondence skills. There are also Quizzes which contain short questions – about type of letter, parts of letter, and examples of expression used in business letters – which are packaged in an interesting way in the form of crossword puzzles.
If you are interested in learning or upskilling your business correspondence skills in English, don’t hesitate to visit gamawebco.sv.ugm.ac.id.
Text and Photo: GAMAWEBCO Team