Lintang Subiyantoro, student of English Program, Department of Languages, Arts, and Culture Management Vocational School UGM as participant of United Nations Security Council in International Leaders Model United Nations, which was held from January 30th until February 1st, 2019 in Quees Sirikit National Convention Center, Bangkok, Thailand. The event was held by YouCan Asia organization which also often held seminars in South East Asia and selected volunteers for international events.
The International Leaders Model United has Secretary-General, 10 Chairs, and around thirty volunteers to run the event. The International Leaders Model United Nations has 5 councils including United Nations Security Council; United Nations Human Rights Council; United Nations Educational Scientific, and Cultural Organization; International Monetary Fund; and World Trade Organization. This event was attended by 238 participants from various countries in 5 continents.
In this International Leaders Model United Nations event, Lintang became a representative of the French Republic, was a participant in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), UNSC which is the Security Council in the United Nations system. At this event, the topic discussed was “Self-Determination Papua” or in free translation is “Papua’s right to determine their own destiny”. Lintang became the representative of the French Republic.
Text: Lintang Subiyantoro; Humas DBSMB
Foto: Lintang Subiyantoro