Nabilla Ulfatul Innayah, student of D4 English from the Department of Languages, Arts, and Culture Management, Vocational College, UGM earned a proud achievement in the Techstars Startup Weekend Indonesia NextGen UGM 2020 competition. Nabilla and her team consisting of Feri Agung Hermawan (Philosophy, UGM 2018), R. Bintang BPA (Computer Science, UGM 2019), Pricillia Putri (Law, UGM 2017), and Najmuddin MA (Industrial Engineering, UGM 2019) won 3rd place in the competition which took place on October 16-18th 2020. Techstars Startup Weekend Indonesia NextGen UGM 2020 is a competition event to build a startup or digital business for 54 hours, in which it will collaborate with the team formed on the D-day. This competition was held by the central organizer of Startup Weekend Indonesia in collaboration with Techstars and under the auspices of Google for Startups.
The process to join this competition was quite short, starting with the registration process on October 26th, 2020. After the opening of the event, a team was formed based on the celected ideas. Furthermore, for less than 54 hours the participants designed a startup concept, conducted market research, made a mock up for the website, determined problems and solutions that would be the startup’s basic values, and created a business model canvas (Lean canvas) which should be in line with the startup’s vision and mission.
Together with her team, Nabilla initiated a startup idea called Mentorpedia. Mentorpedia is an edu-tech startup which focus on students’ need to prepare for their career paths and abilities both during college life and after graduate. “During school (Junion-senior high school), they have mentors, namely counseling teachers and class teachers, but when they got to college, everyone was completely independent. So that Mentorpedia as an on-demand mentoring platform will provide expert mentors in each field that we provide through the website.” Nabilla explained. The fields mentioned include domestic and foreign scholarships, business and startups, personal development, creative industry, international program, and general.
“During the competition, I did not just compete, but also learned a lot from mentors and judges who have long been in the digital business fields. From them, I learned to solve problems from a startup, as well as the values that can be given to my startup users later. Besides, I also learned a lot from other contestants that have various solutions and ideas from various fields.” Nabilla added, telling her impression during the competition. Nabilla hopes that in the future her startup can be implemented to a thriving and sustainable business, as a new hope for education field in the future, especially in the field of improvement and self-development of its users.