Natasha Christanti, student of English Study Program of Department of Languages, Arts, and Culture Management, Vocational School UGM class of 2016 represented Vocational College joined Debate Competition named Student College in Critical of Economic of Asean Community (SCREAM) 2019 on March 18th-19th which was held by Himpunan Mahasiswa Ekonomi Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana.
This competition was a national level debate competition, this time discussing economic issues, strategy and technology innovation. In this opportunity, Natasha and her teammate got the opportunity to appreciate the team’s potential. “This debate competition was (to test) the ability of critical thinking, logic and reason on problem solving process, open insight into Indonesia’s preparation for the economy, and good communication ability in order to convey logical arguments. The potential in the form of this thought was expected to be well received by both the judge and the audience, as well as generate useful ideas and innovation for the marketing industry. Besides, this competition also can be a means of proving the quality and existence of UGM students’ thinking at the national level,” Natasha Christanti added.
Text: Natasha Christanti; Humas DBSMB
Foto: Natasha Christanti