Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, Vocational College, Dr. Agus Nugroho, M.T. also expressed his happiness. Apart from congratulating the joining of Prof. Marsono to DBSMB, he also conveyed his gratitude for the contribution of DBSMB lecturers in the success of Vocational School programs, including the preparation of a block learning system, new student admissions, and bidikmisi assistance. He also requested Prof. Marsono to always guide all of the academic community at DBSMB and all Vocational College leaders.
Dean of the Vocational College, Dr. Wikan Sakarinto, M. Sc., in his speech expressed about the conception of applied research which continues to be sought and he also hoped with the presence of Prof. Marsono can be conceptualized so that it can be reference for applied research models typical of Vocational College.
Dr. Wikan gave an example of the research he got this year from the Simlitabmas scheme about bamboo blade pressing machines involving cross-disciplinary researchers and 2 Vocational School which will produce a prototype of machines that produced industrial products as a model for the teaching industry. “Teaching Industry is a method that should be present in every Vocational College Lecturer,” he said. Dr. Wikan hopes that more such research will emerge from Vocational College.
Prof. Marsono in his speech delivered his happiness to join DBSMB. The specific duty that was submitted to him regarding the preparation of the Applied Masters has started and he asked for about 3 more weeks to complete the proposal for later to be reviewed by the faculty leaders. Prof. Marsono is very familiar with the conception of higher education in tourism because he has served as Head of the D3 Tourism Study Program and S1 Tourism at FIB for more than ten years.
Welcome, Professor Marsono!