Head of the Department, Dr. Endang Soelistiyowati, M.Pd expressed her gratitude, “Wow, how delightful it is (to hear that). Congratulations to the Archival Study Program and the team. Hopefully, other study programs will receive their good news soon.”
Currently, all of the study programs in the Department of Languages, Arts, and Cultural Management were waiting for the issuance of accreditation certificates after carrying out the extending accreditation process back in 2019. Not all study programs received their newest certificates yet until this news was published.
Head of the Tourism Travel Business Study Program, Dr. Nuryuda Irdana expressed his gratitude. “Congratulations to the team from the Archival Study Program for the accreditation. Tons of best wishes and keep up the good work!” Other study program heads and managers in DBSMB also expressed their congratulations on this achievement.
Text: Ghifari Yuristiadhi Masyhari Makhasi, S.S., M.A.